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Wandong-Heathcote Junction Community Group      

P.O.Box 242, Wandong Post Office, Wandong, Vic. 3758         

Phone: 0413 832 411 

7:00pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except December).
Wandong Public Hall, Wandong Avenue, Wandong   

The group represents the residents of Wandong - Heathcote Junction, including with all levels of Government, on any issues that effect the township.  Natural gas for Wandong - Heathcote Junction had been a focal objective for many years and finally delivered in 2017.  Proper and appropriate development is also a high priority.

The group also undertakes many projects to improve the appearance of Wandong - Heathcote Junction and conducts many working bees that we encourage resident participation.  The group also operates or participates in most events in the town.   

Join the Wandong - Heathcote Junction Community Group now and have a say in the matters that affect our towns. 

The Wandong-Heathcote Junction Community Group (WHJCG) was formed in May 2001 by locals wishing to take an active role in the community regarding the views of residents, to liaise with council and government and by instigating various projects around the towns. The WHJCG is dedicated to improve the appearance of Wandong-Heathcote Junction and to make it the best place to live. The comments of residents who have shown appreciation of our work is most gratifying, however like all volunteer groups we would love to receive more resident participation. Have a say in your community and come along to the next meeting of the WHJCG, held on the third Tuesday of each month at the Wandong Public Hall. If you cannot attend meetings but can provide other support then please contact Allen Hall on 0413 832 411.

FUNDRAISING: Sausage Sizzles at Bunnings Craigieburn and Wandong I.G.A.supermarket in Wandong Plaza



The Wandong - Heathcote Junction Community Group (WHJCG) embarked on a project to beautify an unsightly area of land between the Wandong Railway Station and the Epping-Kilmore Road.

The WHJCG obtained a community grant from the  Mitchell Shire Council and together with it's own funds and donations from V/Line, the Wandong-Wallan Lions Club, Whats News, WHJ Neighbourhood Watch and Robert Gordon Real Estate TURNED the area into a small bush and wetlands walk.

The project commenced in December 2005 when the blackberry bushes and weeds were poisoned and cleared.  Heavy machinery then shaped the embankment and formed the pathway. A boardwalk bridge was constructed to cross the wetlands.

In April and May 2006, three community working bees were held to lay over 840 square metres of biodegradable weedmat and to plant over 1,100 native plants, all indigenous to the area.

The WHJCG has placed a large rock boulder at the station entrance with a plaque to describe the history of the Wandong railway station and the horse drawn tramways to the Mt. Disappointment State Forest.

Bench seating, wooden (red gum) chain sawed sculptures and a large "WANDONG" sign on the Wandong Station embankment have been installed. Two pathway lights have now been installed.


The WHJCG has also completed work to eliminate and prevent graffiti at the Wandong and Heathcote Junction Railway Stations and at Wandong Plaza. This included surface cleaning and painting, provision of sensor lighting behind Wandong PLaza, new platform lighting at Heathcote Junction  station, heavy planting and mulching.

The WHJCG gratefully acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government, Department of Justice for making this project possible.


In 2008 the WHJCG successfully applied for a grant to collate and publish a book on the history of Wandong - Heathcote Junction.   A committee was been formed and met on the last Wednesday of each month at the Sue Marstaeller Pavilion, Davern Reserve.  The WHJCG gratefully acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government through the Community Support Fund and Public Record Office Victoria for making this project possible.

After three years of research and gathering of photos and information, the book was written by Mr Ron Pickett and on 27th March 2011, the book called "Ghosts, Gold & a White Elephant" was launched at the Australiana Restaurant, Wandong by Mr Robert Mitchell, Federal Member for McEwen. 

The grant also provided for a commemorative rock and plaque to be placed at the Heathcote Junction Railway Station to signify its past history as a branch line to Kilmore, Heathcote and Lancefield.











WHJCG Statement of Purpose


WEBSITE:  In May the <> website received 1332 visits.  If any business or group has noticed any change which needs to be corrected to their entry, please let us know.   To add your     business or group email:

The WHJCG has for many years implored Mitchell Shire to place the drain between the Bushfire Memorial car park and the Epping Kilmore Road underground, remove the bollards and seal the car park to make it the showpiece it should be as a major entrance to Mitchell Shire.  At last this project has made the 2024/25 budget with $100,000 for the design.   Mitchell Shire has put the construction cost at $400,000 and this money needs to be found in the 2025/26 budget.  But at least we are grateful that something is finally happening.

The WHJCG tries very hard to keep Wandong Heathcote Junction rubbish free but feels as though we are losing the battle. A huge thanks to Rhonda and Liz on Scanlons Road for all their effort in keeping the Wandong Broadford Road and Scanlons Road free of rubbish. 

We can only appeal to our residents to take their rubbish home but it is hard to restrain those who pass through Wandong and use Wandong Primary School from Wallan and Kilmore. 

We have asked VicRoads what is being done to remove the tyre dumps all over the Shire but no response to date.  Hopefully Mitchell Shire Council is also pursuing Vicroads.   Dumping is a huge problem for our environment and we need us all and the authorities to do more to curb it.  

Like all volunteer groups, the WHJCG is always looking for new people to help around town and with the many projects it undertakes for the community.  Wandong Heathcote Junction residents  -  this is your town and we are sure you have the same wishes as our members.  GIVE US A CALL.


Five Wandong souvenir spoons and five Wandong fridge magnets are now available. 

"Ghosts, Gold & A White Elephant"    $50

Wandong History on DVD                  $10

Wandong post cards                          $1.50 or 8 for $10

Wandong car window stickers            $2 inside $1.50 external

Wandong souvenir spoons                 $7 or $30 for set of five

Wandong fridge magnets                   $3.50 or $15 for set of five