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PO Box 550 Kilmore 3764

President:  Elaine De Gabrielle 

                                                         Secretary: Mark Perrott   0436331395


Apart from those of our members who are away travelling and seeking warmer climes, the cold and wet weather we are having hasn’t deterred people from enjoying classes to the full. The new facility is certainly helping; the heating is efficient and it is easy to get a cuppa as the kitchen is well appointed. The space suits our needs perfectly.

The lunch club continues to be extremely popular and it pays to book early as places fill very quickly. Our convenors do a great job of organising venues and coordinating transport. They put in a lot of work and it is greatly appreciated by the members, who enjoy catching up and eating out. Check the website for further information.

The bowls group numbers remain very strong and they have a lot of fun playing and socialising. They meet each Wednesday afternoon and set up in the large space in the JJ Clancy community hub.  The session ends with a cup of tea.

There is an Online Safety Workshop for members to be held at the JJ Clancy Facility at 10am on Thursday September 5th. It will be presented by Timothy from TJ's Computer Repairs and it is recommended that you bring something to take notes.

The Recorder Group have been invited to participate in this year’s Kilmore Celtic Festival to be held in September over the weekend 20th to 22nd. Playing under their performing name “Kandis” it is always a pleasure and good experience to be able to play to an audience. Later in the year there will be a recital, no dates as yet, it will be nearer Christmas and we will keep members informed via the Newsletter.

The gardening group had so much fun at last month’s photographic presentation that they have decided to do it again. There were too many photos from the past to enjoy them all in one session and they include some amazing gardens.

U3A is open to people over 50 who are no longer working full time and is a fun and cost effective way to learn new skills, to meet like-minded people and to socialise. We are a friendly and approachable bunch and if you already belong to another U3A branch, you can join as an associate member for only $5.00.

Check website  or contact

Cheers, Amanda Oades