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PO Box 550 Kilmore 3764

President:  Elaine De Gabrielle 

                                                         Secretary: Mark Perrott   0436331395

JULY 2024

Winter has well and truly set in but the cold weather has not deterred those of our members who have decided not to escape to warmer climes and most classes are continuing to be well  attended. The JJ Clancy Community hub keeps us nice and warm inside and the well-appointed kitchen ensures a nice cup of tea afterwards.

The creative writing class could do with a few more members so if you want to unleash your  inner author, come and join this small, talented and supportive group and have a go at memoir writing, fiction or short story writing and join in the lively discussions had by this group.   Members write their story at home each month and share with others in the group when they meet. If time allows, a short exercise on a set topic is undertaken on the day.  The group is    supportive of each other's endeavours, diverse in their styles of writing and there is much to be learned.

The Convener for this group is a published writer with more than thirty years of experience, is a member of Writers Victoria and has honed her writing skills over the years, encompassing memoir writing, children's books, dialogue, editing and creative writing. Why not come and join in? The Group meet at the JJ Clancy community centre on the first and third Wednesday of the month from 9.30 am till 11.30 am. Check out the website for further details.

The ukulele singalong group are going from strength to strength and the beginner group that started at the beginning of the year are joining in with the main class and making great progress. The last class of the month is held at the Caledenia nursing home at Kilmore Hospital where we play for the residents and host a singalong. Last month we took along a variety of percussion instruments and the residents had great fun keeping time and singing along. We all enjoyed the interaction and I don’t know who had the most fun.

U3A is open to people over 50 who are no longer working full time and is a fun and cost effective way to learn new skills, to meet like-minded people and to socialise. We are a friendly and approachable bunch and if you already belong to another U3A branch, you can join as an associate member for only $5.00.  Check out the website at :  or contact us at

Cheers, Amanda Oades