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PO Box 550 Kilmore 3764

President:  Elaine De Gabrielle 

                                                         Secretary: Mark Perrott   0436331395

MARCH 2025

All our classes have now commenced and memberships are still trickling in from both new members and those renewing memberships. It is never too late to join and for a very reasonable $35, you have full   access to all our groups. There are exercise groups, social groups, creative classes and music groups.

A new group that has commenced this year is “Learning the basics of Bridge”, a popular game which is difficult to master but well worth the effort to learn. Many communities have a Bridge club, including Kilmore, and the class is designed to offer tuition so people have the confidence to join a club. They meet at the JJ Clancy reserve on a Monday morning from 10.00am until 11.30am. If anyone is interested in joining, please contact Alex on 0468 321 728 for more information. They could do with a few more members.

Our Creative Writing group commenced for the year on Wednesday, 5th February, and will continue to meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month from 9:30am until around 11:30am. The assignment set for the first session was based on where you were, what you can remember and what you were doing when the following memorable events took place:  JFK’s assassination, the first manned lunar landing, the death of Princess Diana, and the attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York.

The ukulele group are back in full swing with a number of new members and we are back at our regular gigs at Caledenia and Dianella, being supported by the residents on percussion and joining in the singalong. We have been asked to perform again at the community garden open day to be held on May 10th. Here’s hoping the weather is a little kinder this year, as we got soaked last time, although it was great fun and the baked potatoes were a big hit.

Remember the AGM is due Friday March 21st and you are welcome to attend, meet the committee and learn a little about the group and how we operate. Another event worth attending will be a Morning Tea on Friday April 11th with a presentation about Online Banking Safety given by Bendigo Bank.

U3A is open to people over 50 who are no longer working full time and is a fun and cost effective way to learn new skills, to meet like-minded people and to socialise.    Check out the website at       or contact us at

Cheers, Amanda Oades