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Summer may have officially ended but our Fire Danger Period (FDP) is far from over. Until significant rainfall has occurred our Fire Danger Period will continue (No official end date has been determined) which means that we all must remain vigilant when it comes to fires.

Whilst we are trained to fight fires it is everyone’s responsibility to help prevent them from occurring.

Since the FDP commenced in November until the end of February Clonbinane CFA has responded to 35 incidents. 

Some of these incidents were started by angle grinders and welders. The use of this equipment is BANNED on days of Total Fire Ban, and there are significant measures to be followed on other days.

If possible, leave these types of works until the middle of winter when it should be safer.

If caught completing hot work and not following the guidelines you can face heavy penalties including fines of up   to $47,421 and potentially up to two years in jail whilst also being legally and financially responsible for any damage your hot work started. 

There are also legal requirements for the declared Fire Danger Period with restrictions and guidelines  on the use of;

BBQ’s, Chainsaws, Lawn Mowers, Grass Trimmers, Driving of vehicles in vegetation, Campfires,  Wildlife Scare Guns etc

Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the Can I Can't I  brochure on the CFA website